Friday, July 1, 2011

New At This

Hello out there, if there is anyone even reading this! I've been told for a while that I should start a blog but always wondered why anyone would really care to read what goes on inside my crazy mind or happens in my crazy life.  Now you are probably asking yourself, then why start one now?!  Simply because, I feel like I could help make the world a better place...ha, not really, I'm just bored and need something to make the work day go by quicker.

So here begins my baby steps into the world of blogging.

If you've read my 'about me' you know that I am a 26yr old single mother to a 1yr old son, Hunter.  Even after a year I still look at him somedays and think "wow, this is my child?!".  Mainly I think that on days when he is whining like a little girl and clinging to my leg like if he lets go he will fall into a deep, dark hole... ;o)  Ha, Hunter really though is a great kiddo and I'm stoked I get to be his mother, even if it sometimes scares the poop out of me. 

Currently I am living at my father's house which has been a godsend and also hellish at times BUT as of July 28th, I will officially become a homeowner!!! I have been saving up and searching (searching is godawful) for a little piece of land to call my own and finally, after 2 rejected offers, have been accepted!  I'm excited to be moving out and am even more excited to fix the place up and really make it My Home.  Although I am nervous about the bills and house repairs, all that comes with being a homeowner...I know that I will make it work, there is no doubt in my mind.  After all I am a SuperMom.  If you didn't know SuperMom's have the power to change diapers faster than a speeding bullet, leap over toy piles in a single bound, strength to balance kiddos while cooking a full course meal, and an intuition that beats out xray vision any day.  So with all this power why would I doubt?!

Well I could go on and write a book but then I wouldn't really be blogging, I'd be booking, so I will end on this note: It's FRIDAY!!! The plan for this 3day weekend is fairs, cookouts, sun bathing, food and fireworks! Pure Awsomeness! 

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Weekend!!!
