Finally, an ending to this short work week!
This morning upon chatting with some friends about google search I decided to do a search on myself. To my surprise I found a few images of mine listed. I went through to each picture of myself and clicked to find out where it was leaked from, since my facebook is set to super private I was a bit nervous.
I first clicked on a picture of myself with Hunter. It took me to some creepy site called peek at you or peeking at you...whatever it's called, it sounds like it's for creepers. Anywho, on this site it listed my current location, locations I used to live, my email and my online alias!!! I couldn't believe it. All of this information just out and about for anyone to read. Now, it probably wouldn't have pissed me off so much if it were just a picture of myself up but since my son was included in the picture...well you can guess what sort of thoughts went through my mind. Sooo, I proceeded to call and email this site in order to get my information off of it asap. They of course agreed to take it down and blah, blah but you can be sure I will be checking on it frequently.
Now onto the 2nd photo, a photo that lead to a nice surprise. I noticed a picture I took while at the Washington DC Zoo on Hunter's birthday. The pic was of the new female tiger, Damai, looking directly at me from her enclosure. I was excited to get such a great picture so I went ahead and posted it onto the Zoo's fb page. I didn't really get much feedback from the site, so just forgot about posting it there...until today. I opened the link from google search and there was my picture beside a post in the Washington DC National Examiner!!! I was so excited to see that my picture was used in a well read site and also that I was given credit for taking the picture, ha. It sort of felt like when I was in school and the teacher chose my project to display in front of the class because it was the most creative or well written, what have ya. It felt awesome! Ha, and of course I had to hurry and tell my parents, family and friends (yes, I'm a dork. I'm okay with it.). Below is a glimpse of my "famous" picture! Ha.
In the afternoon I had to travel down to the main hospital at lunch becuase I put off getting my ID card replaced yesterday in order to fool around on the computer. After almost dieing, a few times, on the shuttle ride downtown I met up with my cuzzo for some grub. Yes, I did say that I was going downtown for a new ID card but what did you expect, that I would go without eating?! Pffft! Anyways, while we were chowing down and talking with our mouths full, I noticed a hottie sitting to the right of us. Of course he was leaving when I noticed him but no worries there, it was niiiicccceee to watch him leave, if you get what I mean! Wink, wink!! I had this moment of "should I run out and track him down" but then it was quickly overpowered by my "I'm still hungry and probably have food in my teeth" thought. So, I will just hope that on another venture downtown I will run into him, literally, hehe. After our lunch and my daydreaming was over I rounded the corner to grab my new ID badge and headed for a death shuttle to take me back to work.
Now as I glance at the clock I realize I need to end this blog because in 1 minute I will be closing up shop and walking out the door to begin my weekend! I don't have anything planned for this weekend, so we will see what goodies I have to blog about on Monday.
Till then, piss off ay! :oP
Congrats on the pic! It's awesome! I'd like to add myself to your dork club. I do the same thing.